My Issues of The Flash from the 70's
When I was a kid, my brothers gave me comic books to kind of start and fill out my collection. I wrote about the earliest ones I had owned here:
When I started buying comics on my own, DC was probably my favorite publisher. I think the stories were more geared toward elementary school kids like me. At some point, I discovered this hero known as The Flash
Justice League of America #97 ( MAR 72 )
I remember buying the above issue of the JLA off the spinner rack at our local grocery store. I pored over it several times as I hadn’t seen a number of these characters before. I was particularly intrigued by Green Lantern, but this was probably where I saw my first appearance of The Flash.
The Flash #217 (SEP 72)
The earliest issue of The Flash to join my collection was probably issue #217. However, it wasn’t the first issue of The Flash that I bought. This one came in a three-pack that one of our local stores used to carry. You’d be able to see two pretty good comics and you’d have to take your fingernail and try to see if you could see what kind of a dud the comic in the middle happened to be.
Anyhow, I got this issue some time after its initial publication.
Wanted #2 (OCT 72)
At this time, DC was trying out a new mini-anthology series called Wanted, which I really liked. These were curated stories from years past. I really enjoyed the collected hardback edition that DC put out a few years ago.
The above issue had a pretty good tale of The Flash that also introduced me to one of the rogues … The Trickster!
The Flash #218 (NOV 72)
Flash #218 was the first issue of the actual series that I remember buying. The rogue known as the Pied Piper was the primary villain.
The Flash #220 (MAR 73)
Flash #220 introduced me to the character Kid Flash.
The Flash #221 (MAY 73)
Flash #221 has what I think is one of the best Nick Cardy covers of that era. I don’t remember the story too well, but I remember that cover.
Wanted #8 (JUL 83)
Thank you Wanted, for introducing another rogue … Captain Cold!
DC 100 Page Super Spectacular #22 (NOV 73)
I really enjoyed these speedster-themed anthologies. I got to see more of Kid Flash and I was introduced to the Golden Age Flash.
The Flash #224 (DEC 73)
I remember owning the above comic, but the story wasn’t terribly memorable.
The Flash #226 (APR 74)
I’d sure seen a lot of Captain Cold by this point. This issue introduced another new rogue to me … Heat Wave!
Justice League of America #111 (JUN 74)
It was around this time that I got a subscription to the Justice League of America, right as they were starting off a run of 100-page issues. I think I missed the first one, but the next several were all 100-pagers.
I was now starting to read more of the Flash’s adventures in the pages of JLA.
The Flash #228 (AUG 74)
The Trickster makes an appearance in this issue, but this is one of those dorky issues where the writer writes himself into the issue.
The Flash #229 (SEP 74)
In keeping up with some of the other DC comics, #229 was a 100-page issue. The main story was probably not that great. It was nice to see a Green Lantern reprint in this issue. Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and The Black Canary had a running mini-series as 8-page entries in each regular issue of The Flash at this point.
Another Golden Age speedster shows up in this issue … Johnny Quick!
The Flash #231 (FEB 75)
This issue introduced me to the rogues Weather Wizard, the Top, and Mirror Master.
The Flash #232 (APR 75)
The above issue was another speedster-filled 100-pager.
The Flash #235 (AUG 75)
The first time I’d seen Vandal Savage was in this issue. I’m not sure that I ever really understood his powers nor his villainous motivations.
The Flash #237 (NOV 75)
Issue #237 didn’t seem to resonate very well with me. I peeked through an issue or two after that and I can’t remember buying any more issues of the title with any regularity until decades later.
For a while, I think that The Flash was one of my favorite comics starring my favorite characters.
I’m looking forward to seeing the new film.