Sending GMail with Go (Golang)

I needed a command-line e-mail sender utility that would send e-mail via my GMail account. I wanted the solution to work on Windows and OS/X for the time being.

My solution is a utility named GSend.

GitHub repo:

The Go source is as follows:

// Copyright 2013 - by Jim Lawless
// License: MIT / X11
// See:
// Bear with me ... I'm a Go noob.
package main
import (
func main() {
   to := flag.String("t","","destination Internet mail address")
   from := flag.String("f","","the sender's GMail address")
   pwd := flag.String("p","","the sender's password")
   subject := flag.String("s","","subject line of email")
   msg := flag.String("m","","a one-line email message")
   flag.Usage=func() {
      fmt.Printf("Syntax:\n\tGSend [flags]\nwhere flags are:\n")
   fmt.Printf("GSend v 1.01 by Jim Lawless\n")
   if flag.NFlag() != 5 {
   body := "To: " + *to + "\r\nSubject: " +
      *subject + "\r\n\r\n" + *msg
   auth := smtp.PlainAuth("",*from,*pwd,"")
   err := smtp.SendMail("",auth,*from,
   if err != nil {

GSend accepts five mandatory flags:

GSend v 1.01 by Jim Lawless
        GSend [flags]
where flags are:
  -f="": the sender's GMail address
  -m="": a one-line email message
  -p="": the sender's password
  -s="": subject line of email
  -t="": destination Internet mail address

To send an email with GSend, use a command-line similar to the following (all on a single line ):

gsend -t -f -p yourpassword -s "Testing!" -m "This is a test"

The recipient should see an email with your specified subject and one line of text.

Update 24 September 2022 I have been thinking about fleshing this utility out with more robust email options. Stay tuned.