My Tech Magazine Articles from Yesteryear

In the early 1990’s, I began writing for a few of my favorite technical magazines. Here is a mostly-complete list.

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, September 1992

A Universal EXE-to-BIN Conversion Utility ( Tech Tips ) and More on Copying Large Data Chunks in C ( Tech Tips ) The second entry was co-authored by my friend Roger Samaan.

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, March 1993

Converting a Windows Screen-Saver into an Application ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, April 1993

Increasing Your Open File Limit Under Windows ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, May 1993

What TimerCount() Counts ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, July 1993

The Return of Returning to Previous Instances ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, August 1993

Getting the Most from Real-mode Memory

This was my first full article for a major publication. Although not mentioned by name, it is referenced in one of Andrew Schulman’s “Undocumented” books.

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, November 1993

A DOS Stopwatch Utility ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, February 1994

Revenge of the Son of Return to Previous Instance ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, August 1994

Video Page Management( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, October 1994

A MessageBox() Bug ( Tech Tips )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, November 1994

Programmed Auto-Loading of .EXE and .DLL Files ( Tech Tips )

PC Techniques, October/November 1994

Reading Text Data Embedded in a DOS Executable File ( HAX column)

DOS World, March 1995

Front-End Realignment ( Tips from Readers )

Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal, April 1995

A Universal ASCII Encoding Utility for DOS ( Tech Tips )

The C/C++ Users Journal, June 1995

Interfacing to a FOSSIL Communications Driver

Dr. Dobbs Sourcebook for Internet and WWW Programming, Nov/Dec 1995

Client/Server Programming on the Web

My article in this publication was a CGI trivia game written in C. I believe it to be the first CGI web programming article in print.

Dr. Dobbs Journal, May 1997

Examining the TAWK Compiler

The Perl Journal, Issue #7

Second place in the annual Obfuscated Perl Coding Contest

This entry was later reprinted in the O’Reilly book Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture.

One of the last articles I wrote for a paper publication was in The C/C++ Users Journal Java Solutions supplement in August 2000 : Using the Java Core Reflection API.

Update: After a bit of a hiatus, I wrote an article on using the CC65 C cross compiler for the emulated Commodore 64. This appeared in the October 2015 issue of Nuts and Volts.