My First Comics

Before I was in Kindergarten, I had a comic book collection. It began with some issues that were hand-me-downs and it grew slowly from the late 60’s into the early 70’s.

I had plenty of exposure to Batman and Superman:

“Night of the Reaper” scared the bejeebers out of me.

The DC 100-Page Super Spectacular anthology issues were great!

There were a few Marvels in the collection:

Funny that the title of the story in my first issue of Avengers was Endgame … the same title as the last movie.

…and then there was this title.

These were some of the earliest comics I remember buying right from the spinner racks.

I grew up at a time when those giant-sized issues were coming out frequently, so I had a bunch of those. During my early elementary school years, I’d have to say that DC Comics were my favorite. That changed as I neared my teen years. Marvel became the favored company including the black-and-white mags and Epic magazine.