Play MP3 Files in Windows with Python
Portions of this post were previously published on Sun, 26 Jun 2011.
I read the book Grey Hat Python : Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers by Justin Seitz. The book introduced the Python ctypes library to me. The ctypes library, allows a Python program to access to lower-level features of the operating environment normally reserved for C programmers.
As an early experiment, I rewrote in Python the bulk of the command-line MP3 player I had originally written in C. Please refer to the script below:
# Copyright (c) 2022 by James K. Lawless
# License: MIT / X11
# See:
# for full license details.
import argparse
from ctypes import *
from sys import getfilesystemencoding
winmm = windll.winmm
filesystemencoding = getfilesystemencoding()
def mciSend(s):
if i!=0:
print("Error %d in mciSendString %s" % ( i, s ))
def playMP3(mp3Name):
mciSend("Close All")
mciSend("Open \"%s\" Type MPEGVideo Alias theMP3" % mp3Name)
mciSend("Play theMP3 Wait")
mciSend("Close theMP3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.description="play an MP3 or WAV file"
The Github repository for the above is at …
usage: [-h] -file FILE error: the following arguments are required: -file
Please note that in the Python version of the code, I have omitted the call to the Win32 API function GetShortPathName(). Instead, I placed double-quotes around the name of the MP3 file in the MCI command-string to accommodate the occurrences of spaces in the filename and/or pathname.
A number of people using the original C program have reported issues with the above technique. The issues occur as “error 277” and/or “error 263”. These issues began to occur in Windows 7 which supplied its own audio compression / decompression drivers. The blog post below describes the issue. Scroll down to the bottom of the post for a potential solution:
I’d also recently discovered that if you use WAV files as arguments instead of MP3 files, Windows still seems to play them. That’s kind of a nice feature they added on my behalf!